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[DirextXHOOK API 遊戲寫屏公佈

Description: HOOK API Game and DirectX
Platform: | Size: 92109 | Author: lee | Hits:

[SourceCodeHook API

Description: dnf游戏木马vb,代码,学习Hook API的好资料
Platform: | Size: 93253 | Author: ywfhaker | Hits:

[Windows KernelCode Hook

Description: Hook Api的相关函数
Platform: | Size: 5923 | Author: haiyin | Hits:

[Hook api用Hook API实现键盘输入监控(C#)

Description: 同过Hook API 实现监控键盘输入
Platform: | Size: 46539 | Author: pumao20022392 | Hits:

[Hook api微软api截获库

Description: 来自微软的api拦截库-from Microsoft interception for the api
Platform: | Size: 535552 | Author: 郑立宝 | Hits:

[Hook apiAPI Hook 工具相关代码 apihooktest

Description: api钩子代码。-api hook code.
Platform: | Size: 146432 | Author: 姜志军 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopAPI钩子APIHOOK 2.0 源代码

Description: API钩子APIHOOK 2.0 源代码-API hook APIHOOK 2.0 source code
Platform: | Size: 93184 | Author: sj | Hits:

[Windows Develop关于API HOOK拦截封包原理

Description: 关于API HOOK拦截封包原理-on API intercept packets principle HOOK
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 周卢 | Hits:

[Documents编写Win32 API钩子

Description: API Hook的源代码文件 大家一定想剥除钩子函数的神秘感吧 请下载-Hook API source code file that you want to hook function stripped the mysterious flu Download it
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 冯彬 | Hits:

[Hook apihookapi

Description: 对hook api的使用的理解-right hook api understanding of the use of
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 张原 | Hits:

[Game Hook CrackMCHDemos

Description: madCHook 外挂制作 HOOK API 库 。-madCHook external production HOOK API library.
Platform: | Size: 1021952 | Author: 不知道 | Hits:

[Hook apiAPIHookingRevisited_src

Description: There are numerous codes in the www to explain how to hook API functions inside a remote process. So, why creating another one ? This article is the first (I) part of a tool I m working on. This tools won t be too complex, so there is no need for a huge class hierarchy like in almost all other code, nor a hard coded assembly code. This tool is just a technical preview of what is possible to achieve, with QUICK and DIRTY "put your functions here" blocks.-There are numerous codes in the www to explain how to hook API functions inside a remote process. So, why creating another one This article is the first (I) part of a tool I m working on. This tools won t be too complex, so there is no need for a huge class hierarchy like in almost all other code, nor a hard coded assembly code. This tool is just a technical preview of what is possible to achieve, with QUICK and DIRTY "put your functions here" blocks.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: | Hits:

[DirextXHOOK API 遊戲寫屏公佈

Description: HOOK API Game and DirectX
Platform: | Size: 92160 | Author: lee | Hits:

[Hook apiApi Hook和封包拦截技术

Description: const WM_UNSUBCLASS = WM_USER + 2001 //卸载子类化消息 WM_SENDDATA = WM_USER + 2003 //收到要发送新数据包的消息 type PMyDLLVar = ^TMyDLLVar //用来共享的内存数据结构 TMyDLLVar = record SubClass: Boolean //是否已经子类化 HookWindow, SpyWindow: LongWORD //要安装HOOK的窗口及用于接收消息的窗口 hHook: LongWORD //HOOK句柄 OldWndProc: pointer //旧的窗口过程 end-const WM_UNSUBCLASS = WM_USER 2001// Uninstall subclass of news WM_SENDDATA = WM_USER 2003// received new data to be sent information packets type PMyDLLVar = ^ TMyDLLVar// used to share memory data structure TMyDLLVar = record SubClass : Boolean// if the child class of HookWindow, SpyWindow : LongWORD// HOOK to install a window for receiving news and the window hHook : LongWORD// handle OldWndProc HOOK : pointer// old process end window
Platform: | Size: 198656 | Author: 黄春标 | Hits:

[Hook apixHook

Description: 当你在网络上抓到一些数据包,想知道这些包是哪个进程发出来的时候, 怎么办?这个小工具也许能帮一些忙。 这个工具采用的是HOOK进程的winsock API,把一些数据记录下来。-When you caught on the network data packets and would like to know which of these packages is issued to the process, how do? This small tools may be able to help some busy. This tool is used in the process of winsock HOOK API, some data is recorded.
Platform: | Size: 58368 | Author: 肖武 | Hits:

[Hook apiHook

Description: HOOK API单元文件源码。-HOOK API module source file.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: | Hits:

[Hook apiHOOK

Description: HOOK API,对于一个没有接触过人而言,时个神秘地带,真有那么神秘码?微软提供了这方面的开发包DETOUES,很简单,不需要其他工作就可以实现了,不需要跳转指令,不需要修改PE头,更不需要枚举当前所有进程和即将启动的进程-HOOK API, no contact for a man is concerned, when a mysterious area code really so mysterious? Microsoft provided an SDK DETOUES, very simple, no other work can be achieved, and do not need to Jump instructions, will not need to change PE header, but do not need to enumerate all the current process and will soon start the process of
Platform: | Size: 808960 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows DevelopHOOK

Description: hook api的实现可用来挖掘漏洞,内有源代码-hook api mining can be used to achieve the loopholes within the source code
Platform: | Size: 23400448 | Author: shuai | Hits:


Description: hook消息框,对弹出消息进行过滤和修改的易语言源码-hook the message box on the pop-up message is easy to filter and modify the source language
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: godome | Hits:

[Hook apiHOOK-API

Description: 本程序实现HOOK MessageBoxA函数功能,大家如需HOOK其他API,只需修改MessageBoxA和模块名称即可-This program functions to achieve HOOK MessageBoxA function, we HOOK for other API, just change the name of MessageBoxA and modules can be
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: | Hits:
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